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From Ursova Campaign
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Garren is a country that is a part of the Holy Vestinian Empire. Located in southern Ursova it shares it's borders with Vestinia to the North and Sharum Desert to the East; the Grey sea to the south and the Syrarie Ocean to the west. It is made up of seven Garnors Dunburn, Westbeach, Ironcliff, Falconreach, Norcrest, Halbrook, and Myraden; each ruled by a Garn.

History[edit | edit source]

Garren began as dozens of Danar clans that were in constant conflict over territory, honor, and even prized Griffins. This continued until Calhoun Gladwin united the various clans, through alliances, force and exceptional use of mages, under clan Garren. Gladwin named himself the first king of Garren and ruled quite successfully for several decades; notably waging a very successful campaign to drive the goblins from the Garren Mountains. Garren remained independent for 258 years until their loss in The Burning War, in which the Vestinians used their dragon riders to devastating effect.

Politics[edit | edit source]