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Prelude Part 1[edit | edit source]

Harvest Day is in full swing at Ironcliff; Sebastion Thorvald, Maggie Thorvald, Loyd, and informant set out for a little holiday revelry. Competitions are held in the market square and is presided over by the Duke of Ironcliff, an elf lord. Sebastion engages in the annual rock throwing competition and is bested, as usual, by Samuel Strongarm, while Loyd and Maggie play Carnival games. Then it was time for the main event, a tournament of single combat. Sebastion defeats his opponent quickly and then faces the elf who defeated Strongarm almost instantly. Sebastion fights hard and injures the elf but Sebastion in a last ditch effort disarms the elf who then throws a vicious punch to his right temple rendering Sebastion unconcious, upon his victory the elf continues beating Sebastion savagely. The Loyd and informant move to save their friend to no avail, Maggie loses control of herself and turns off all the lights in a burst of arcane panic. The Monk and informant seize this opportunity to save Sebastion by hauling the elf off of him at rapier point the informant gives the Monk time to pick up Sebastion and carry him to safety. The group returned to the Thorvald household and packed for their escape. Maggie and the Monk head to a shack in the woods on the outskirts of town as Sebastion and informant stay behind to throw the guards off of Maggie's trail. As the guards arrive informant tries to sneak out the back though usually sneaky he walked right into two guards and is promptly arrested for obstruction of justice after trying to flee the scene and, while in the process of being shackled attempting to shove a small case of lockpicking tools into his mouth on which informant gagged, Sebastion is questioned thoroughly but is free to go after convincing the guards he had no idea where his sister was and that he was actually going to search for her himself. once the guards have left his residence Sebastion goes to the town alchemist to see if she can help him with any of his wounds. She isn't the most skilled in her craft but she does manage to help Sebastion by giving him an elixir that makes him feel a tad bit less roughed up. Sebastion breaks informant out of jail with the help of a guard allied with the rebels he gives Sebastion access to the jail house and once Sebastion succeeds in knocking out the guard inside releases the informant.and heads to the shack. Meanwhile the Loyd and Maggie have a confrontation in the shack about leaving without Sebastion, Maggie promptly wins this confrontation. Sebastion and informant spot someone trailing them on their way out of town and with the informant relaying to Sebastion the exact position of their target Sebastion spins to face a hooded figure almost 20 Ft. away and lobs a dagger that lands soundly in his chest killing him. to avoid further detection Sebastion lifts up the body of the hooded figure and sprints towards the woods. once at the woodline Sebastion dumps the body on the ground and pulls back the hood of the would be assailant finding to some surprise that it is the very elf that had beaten him in the contest earlier that evening. Sebastion realizing that killing an elf would not go unnoticed makes a hasty decision that the only safe place for Maggie, Himself and his comrades would be among the rebels and more importantly to protect Maggie they must seek out Raziel's chosen. They then meet up with Maggie and the monk at the shack. The informant stays behind and the rest of the group heads out to find Raziel's Chosen. Soon after they embark on their trek the group comes to a river. Sebastion proceeds to cut open the elf and fill his body with rocks and sinks it near the middle. A night passes as they head further into the woods. In their travels they encounter a five guard hunting party with three dogs, the group engages. The conflict leaves Sebastion and Loyd unconscious. They wake up later in Maggie's care.

Prelude Part 2[edit | edit source]

Samuel Swaggins, an mage, lives with his mother at Swag end. Samuel finds he can't pay his taxes and is forced to use magic on some hostile guards, he decides it's time to leave town. He enlists the help of a fellow mage, placing his mother in the mage's care. Sam escapes the town easily enough but is caught on the road by an elf and some guards. After running his ass off through the woods with the guards in hot pursuit. He sees a fisherman in the distance and uses charm to enlist his help. Turns out the fisherman was an orc named Axe, with the help of Axe Sam escapes and they make his way to Axe's hut. They sit down and eat when the guards come bursting in. The make short work of the guards and Axe cooks them up, quite well I might add. They leave the hut and head to the rebel outpost in the Blackoak Forest. While traveling through the forest they are ambushed by goblins. Sam is left unconscious but Axe kills the lot quite brutally. While making camp they find a beautiful peace of land and spend several days there making a cabin. They call the place the Shire. They mark the place on their map and then finish their journey to the rebel camp.